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Rita Baker continues to explain the Global Approach. Once again, the "hands on" stuff is on the left and the "whiteboard" videos are on the right. We will only use your email address on a very occasional basis to keep you up to date with developments at the Global Approach.
Remember to watch the video on how the brain works if you have not already seen it.
This is the blueprint on which the whole tenses system is based.
A practical demonstration of the tenses blueprint
An introduction to modal verbs
A practical demonstration of modal verb patterns
Back to the basic blueprint
Rita Baker explains more about the basic blueprint and introduces the concept of present and past structures
Negatives and Emphasis
Rita explains how to use the Global Approach to convert statements into negatives and emphatic forms
Question Forms
Rita explains the question forms using the Global Approach
Rita gives a summary of question forms using the Global Approach
Rita explains part 8 of the Global Approach - the passives
Rita describes how to form the passives in English using the Global Approach
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This helps to respect our copyright.